Product-Led Growth Conference | Make the Transition

Despina Exadaktylou
11 min readJan 8, 2020

Product — Led Growth is the future of SaaS. Learn how to deliver stellar product experiences, that will make your users keep coming back for more.

The Product Led Growth Conference, featuring both local and international speakers, will share global best practices, case studies and goal-oriented approaches to help your organization make the Product — Led transition.


What drives Customer Experience? How is possible for product teams to build and deliver products customers love? How can internal teams make the product their main growth lever that will help them anticipate customers’ needs? The Product-Led Growth Conference is one of the first European conferences, addressing a competing set of strategies organizations can adopt when making the transition to a Product-Led GTM (go-to-market) model. Its agenda will explore all the aspects affecting customer experience and how the product itself can become the main growth lever. The event is a unique opportunity to engage with remarkable product-driven practitioners across Europe and learn firsthand the best practices around Product-Led Growth.


Product-Led Transformation: What changes Product-Led Growth brings on the table? How those changes affect customer experience? Which internal practices and deliverables need to be reconsidered? This section analyzes how the Product-Led era affects internal and GTM practices.

Customer Feedback: When adopting a customer-centric approach the ongoing collection of customer feedback is imperative. This section dives into what feedback organizations should collect and the KPIs that should be monitored.

Product Strategy: Overarching practices and frameworks Product Management should employ when delivering a Product-Led GTM strategy.

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  • Regroup: Learn how to reorganize your company around your product & discover solutions facilitating growth in fastmoving markets.
  • Evolve: Develop a customer-centric approach derived directly from your product’s insights & feedback Learn: We unite the best Product-Led practitioners to educate you on the challenges, opportunities & latest trends of Product (Led) Growth strategies.
  • Connect: Meet with product obsessed practitioners around the globe and create valuable relationships.


This conference is for everyone that is involved with product (led) delivery and customer experience. From passionate product leaders, product designers and engineers, to Customer Success & Product Marketing Managers, CEOs and Professional services. In addition, digital agencies overlooking their customers’ GTM strategy can learn how to streamline their practices and deliverables to maximize impact and ROI.

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Travis Kaufman VP Product Growth Gainsight PX

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Bio: Travis is the VP of Product Growth at Gainsight, leading the delivery of product-led growth strategies for Gainsight PX, the Product Experience Platform. Prior to joining Gainsight through the acquisition of Aptrinsic (now Gainsight PX), Travis held leadership roles in marketing, product, and engineering at companies including Marketo, Leadspace and E*Trade Financial. He keeps himself busy chasing his three kids and coaching youth sports.

THE KEYNOTE: “Product-Led Growth for the Enterprise“

Keynote Overview: How the testing methodologies for the enterprise differ when organizations strive to achieve Product-Led Growth? This session will analyze how organizations can coordinate product experience with Sales and Customer Success and how data volumes are less for most enterprise software.

Adam Joseph Director Customer Success Gainsight

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Bio: Adam Joseph is the Director of Customer Success, EMEA at Gainsight. In this role, Adam oversees the delivery of exceptional customer experience and creates long-term value for all of Gainsight’s European customers. Adam brings a wealth of leadership and customer success experience, having previously held the role of Director of Client Services at ChannelAdvisor and the VP Customer Success at Avention.

Adam also founded CSM Insight in 2017, a consultancy service that helps organizations build, manage and scale their customer success operations and deliver voice of the customer programs.

He is an active thought leader in the customer success space, having created the resource hub Adam created and hosts the Customer Success Conversations podcast series, where he interviews post-sales executives about what it takes to succeed, the challenges they have overcome, and emerging trends within Customer Success.

THE KEYNOTE: “The Product Driven Customer Success Manager“

Keynote Overview: One of the most common questions asked by Customer Success leaders is, “How do I scale effectively?” Hiring more CSMs might not always be the answer, there are many other factors to consider — especially refining your segmentation/engagement model and the introduction of specialist CS technology (such as Gainsight).

It is also essential that your product works as a “virtual CSM”; enabling your end-users to effortlessly reach their desired outcomes and also capturing vital customer feedback information. In this session you will learn about some of fundamentals of delivering exceptional levels of Customer Success via your product and how this will fuel future growth at your business.

Richard King Founder Product Marketing Alliance

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Bio: Richard is the founder of Product Marketing Alliance. The PMA mission is to elevate the product marketing role, identify best practices for successful outcomes, clarify the operations for the product marketing function, and develop criteria for product marketing roles within successful organizations.

THE KEYNOTE: “The State of Product Marketing“

Keynote Overview: Insights and learnings from “The State of Product Marketing report” derived from hundreds of product marketers. How can product management and product marketing be more knowledgeable on the market collectively than all other disciplines combined? This session hones into how the product marketer role, responsibilities, influence, goals and organizational structure are affected by the Product-Led realm.

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Bio: Product-Led Growth consultant, onboarding strategist and founder at ReinventGrowth, Despina helps SaaS organizations implement and scale their Product-Led Growth GTM strategies.

With over 8 years of experience in the SaaS industry Despina’s mission is to revolutionize how organizations reach their desired growth levels by leveraging onboarding outcomes and product engagements.

The Speech: “Product-Led Onboarding, the key to unlocking PLG“

First impressions are not enough. Users’ distraction and complicated workflows make difficult for SaaS organizations to sustain engagement levels. The PLG investment in product data analysis transforms onboarding into a single source of truth throughout the customer lifecycle.

The session will analyze how Product-Led Onboarding (PLO) can become the one framework organizations should use to accelerate PLG & assess product experience ROI, while creating alignment across internal organizations.

Sam Richard Director of Growth, OpenView Partners

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Bio: Sam Richard is Director of Growth at OpenView, helping our portfolio accelerate top-line growth through establishing best practices and processes to support product led growth. At OpenView, Sam works closely with portfolio leadership teams to discover and implement the most impactful strategies for growth, including onboarding and retention optimization, expansion strategy and funnel optimization.

The Speech: “The Rise of Product Led Growth“

Sam will explain why the industry’s landscape is ideal for Product-Led Growth to thrive. The presentation will hone into fundamental PLG elements:

  • Why Increased acquisition costs block SaaS ROI
  • How the traiditional product delivery model does not yield the expected results or sustain engagement levels
  • Why Product-Led Growth is of rising importance

Emma (Sephton) Hill Customer Success Manager, Prodpad

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Biο: Emma Sephton is Customer Success Manager at ProdPad and loves talking with different organizations about their approach to product management. Previously, Emma managed education projects at The University of Warwick, including a large scale capacity-building project with a university in Kazakhstan.

While in this role, she loved the way technology could enhance learning experiences, and so transitioned into learning technology, initially as a Project Manager, then becoming the first Product Manager in the business, implementing product processes. Emma is also a serial meetup organiser, being co-founder and co-organiser of both ProductTank Oxford and Customer Success Cafe Oxford.

The Κeynote: “Tapping into your market: Making sense of user feedback“

In this session we will explore different approaches to gathering feedback, both qualitative & quantitative and how to translate that into useful ideas for your products. You will leave with the tools to create your own product-driven user research framework.

Georgia Tsiamanta Head of Support, Balena, Organizer Support Driven Athens

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Bio: Georgia has a background in Mathematics and Computer Science. She has an extensive experience working as a Customer Support and Success consultant for SaaS and tech companies and currently is working as Head of Support at Balena. As the co-organizer of Athens Support Driven Meetup, Georgia would like to inspire young people to follow customer support as a career.

The Speech: “It’s not a bug it’s a feature — the Customer Support perspective on the product development“

Product managers understand even more the importance of the support-driven growth, and develop strategies to gather meaningful feedback from customer-facing teams within their organization.At this talk, we are going to discuss the customer support point of view. We’ll talk about how support teams extract customer feedback, how they evaluate it, what data they are looking at, and what are the KPIs that matter the most.

Ioannis Papikas Senior PM E-satisfaction, Product School organizer Athens

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Bio: Ioannis is a Senior Product Manager at e-satisfaction in Athens, working on Customer Satisfaction and Personalised Marketing Automations. With extra Technical and Scrum knowledge, having worked with multiple Products in UK, Germany and in Greece ignited the interest for more Product-oriented research and experimentation, combining Agile and Scrum as the process of building better products that people need.

Since 2017, he is the Senior Product Manager at e-satisfaction, building a Personalised Marketing Automation engine based on Customer Experience and is currently responsible for the development and growth of the Product to meet the fast-expanding market opportunities locally and globally.

The Speech: “Prioritizing Customer Requests in regards to Product Vision“

Creating a solid roadmap is usually strategic and towards the common Product Vision, but it hides the pain of prioritization. In this talk we are going to present the challenges of getting customer feedback and implementing requests and how in we prioritise them daily, weekly and strategically on our roadmap but also maintain a stable product vision, with simple course corrections along the way.

The Agenda

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Why Become Product-Led?

Product-Led Growth as a GTM Strategy

Product Led Growth is achieved when organizations leverage product usage, to drive acquisition, conversions, retention, and expansion. Product-Led organizations deliver products that consider and answer customers’ evolving needs by delivering stellar, customer-centric product experiences.

When a Product-Led GTM strategy is at play, the product is not a part of the customer experience. In a Product-Led GTM strategy, the product is the experience.

An experience so strong and optimized that is driving conversions in a matter of minutes, while at the same time it is delivered on a frequent cadence to embrace retention and expansion.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. A Product-Led go-to-market strategy also aligns internal teams around product insights, abandons internal silos and embraces an internal feedback loop across an entire organization.

Product-Led Growth Levers

  1. Abandoned Paywalls: In a Product-Led GTM model, paywalls follow, rather than lead, and pricing scales as usage levels increase. Product-led organizations adopt a freemium or free trial model. They abandon barriers to entry and allow users to try before they buy. This fact alone liberates customers. They don’t have to rely on human-assisted activations and long-term sales cycles to seal a deal.
  2. Reduced Acquisition & Retention Costs: Products’ features are able to acquire, retain and expand accounts. At the same time the sales cycle shortens, and acquisition and retention costs are being decreased.
  3. Sustainable Engagement Levels: The delivery of product-driven experiences powered by customer feedback sustains engagement levels.
  4. Data-Driven Onboarding Journeys: Onboarding is now being delivered throughout the customer journey. Its ongoing assessment enables it to become a data driven force that drives accounts down the customer lifecycle.
  5. Organizational Cross Alignment: Internal organizations develop common product benchmarks & KPIs alongside business metrics.
  6. Increased Customer Satisfaction: The delivery of customer-centric products increases customer satisfaction & advocacy levels.
  7. Intuitive Product Features: Product management capitalizes on in-product behavior & delivers robust product features meeting customers’ evolving needs.
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Product-Led Organizations Yield Better Results

  • Public PLG Companies: Post-IPO, PLG companies perform better than other companies. Including those organizations built for the Sales & Marketing-Led era.
  • Today there are 21 large public companies with a PLG model including all of the top IPOs this year. These companies have a combined market capitalization of $208B and are performing better post-IPO, too. Exemplary Product-Led organizations are Zoom, Datadog, Slack, Fastly, Pagerduty, Elastic, Surveymonkey, Pluralsight, Smartsheet, Docusign, Dropbox, Twilio, Atlassian, Shopify, New Relic, Hubspot, and others.
  • Cumulative Market Cap for Public PLG Organizations: A Product-Led Growth approach, leads to better ROI for SaaS organizations. This is mostly achieved because it satisfies both buyers and end-users.
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At ReinventGrowth we are convinced that Product-Led Growth is the future of SaaS. Keen on making the transition to a Product-Led GTM model? Contact us today and let us know how we can help your organization get there.



Despina Exadaktylou

Founder Product-Led Growth Hub | World’s 1st PLG Platform for Product & CX Leaders